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2017-12-04 责任编辑:菲律宾国父大学 来源:www.jruedu.cn 分享到:



  2、费用低廉。每月食宿费仅需200-300美元,学费仅相当于美国的10%,消费水平在亚洲处于中、低水平。高中(中专)完成本科需要3--4年(部分专业的课程只要2年),大专完成本科需1.5年 ,学费和生活费约每年3-4万元左右。 经济负担很小,可以被大多数家庭接受。

  3、交通便利。菲律宾离中国很近,马尼拉与中国的北京、上海、广州、厦门、重庆、成都、香港、澳门间都有直飞航班,飞行时间仅为1.5—4小时。学生假期回国或家长前去探望,手续都很简 便,且费用也低。



President’s Message


Dear parents and students of José Rizal University:

We have had another exciting year at José Rizal University. All students have grown in many ways during the past year. Many have succeeded academically and have been recognized for their efforts. This school year is a momentous year for JRU.

At JRU, we like to say that we care about good education. JRU has already developed a well-deserved reputation for providing quality learning. We continue to maintain our ISO 9001-2008 rating. The College obtained its Level IV Re-Accreditation last year from the PACU Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA). This is a rare recognition among Philippine colleges and universities. The Graduate School enjoys Level III accreditation, while the Law School continues to surpass the national average. The High School and the Elementary School enjoy Level III PACUCOA accreditation, another rare distinction.